Summer 2005
In the summer of 2005, Break the Silence (BTS )–now named Art Forces– in Gaza consisted of Susan Greene, Sara Kershner and John Halaka. With the support of the Rachel Corrie Foundation, Middle East Children’s Alliance, and Gaza City Mental Health Program, BTS traveled to the town of Rafah to paint a community mural that would honor Rachel Corrie and the cause for which she lost her life. In 2003 Rachel was working in Rafah with the International Solidarity Movement,, and was killed by an Israeli driven, US made,bulldozer as she tried to prevent the demolition of the home of a Palestinian pharmacist and his family.
Working with local artists and friends of Rachel’s, BTS painted a mural on the Health Worker Committee Building, that houses the Rachel Corrie Center for Children and Youth. This mural, 250′ x 8′, depicts aspects of daily life for Palestinians under occupation and the hope that solidarity brings. In the lobby of the building is a second mural, 15′ x 13’, that more specifically focuses on Rachel. It has a portrait of her and a quote: “I think it’s important that human rights and resistance to oppression be included in the way we define ourselves as a community… “
This project has grown into “A Tale of Two Cities- Olympia-Rafah Mural Project” 2007-pr